Cambridge Curriculum Framework
KS1- Key Stage 1
The primary stage spans from ages 5 to 11 and comprises the foundational years of formal education. It covers core subjects like English, Mathematics, and Science, emphasizing fundamental skills development.
KS1- Key Stage 1
In Key Stage One the children not only develop their Literacy and Numeracy skills but also have a broad curriculum that includes Art, Geography, History, Science, Music, Kenyan Culture, and Physical Education. Physical development is important at this age and our children take part in a variety of team games.
Children learn in a variety of ways and in Key Stage One, we ensure that lessons are in line with contemporary thinking of how children learn. This learning is celebrated in many different ways in their bright and colorful classrooms through displays and samples of work.
Teachers plan and collaborate to make natural and interesting links for the students. This includes organizing trips to local museums and places of interest connected to their learning.
Reading homework is encouraged when the teachers deem that a child is ready and then daily practice is encouraged at home. In Year 2 the children additionally receive a small amount of Literacy and Numeracy homework.
As part of our curriculum, children in KS1 (Year 1 & 2) take part in our World Languages curriculum of Swahili and French.